Liz Hancock Diabetes Coaching for Stratford on Avon and Online

"The only true wealth you have is your health"

Diabetes Coaching is a forward looking dynamic therapy to help you achieve your health goals.

My role as a coach and counsellor is to help you to bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you would like to be.

If you are newly diagnosed you may have already been set some goals by your doctor or diabetes professional.
It is then expected that you will get on and do what needs to be done. If only it were that easy. I will work with you to help you to achieve these goals.

If you were diagnosed a long time ago and are finding it difficult to control I can help you.
Coaching will enable you to identify and remove any blocks you may have that have stopped you moving forward.

It may be that diabetes is not the only thing to have gone wrong in your life. It may feel like it is "the straw that breaks the camels back". I am also a qualified and experienced counsellor. Diabetes may be a very physical condition but the psycological aspects are important to consider too

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